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Exploring dark alleys. Discovering new nightmares. Revisiting the masters.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

30 Days of Creature Features: DOLPHIN

DOLPHIN by Matt Shaw needed to be written; I am so tired of everyone glossing over the dark side of dolphins. I'm not sure I would call this comedy horror, as I found the gory events quite serious. If you have a weak stomach, it's best to stay away from this one...unless you live near a beach. Then, read it as a cautionary tale.

If you decide to dive into this story, make sure to read the entire novella. The ending is a complete shocker.

I would love to see Shaw write about otters next.

As always,

Saturday, September 21, 2024

30 Days of Creature Features: GOBLINS

They want the children!

Someone is taking children from their homes on Roanoke Island, and gruesomely slaughtering their families.

After a small, hideous-looking creature is discovered at one of the murder scenes, Chief of Police Marcus Hale realizes whatever is responsible for the killings isn’t even human. Hale suspects a bizarre link to the past, to the end of the 16th Century, when the island’s first settlers disappeared, leaving only the word Croatoan carved into a tree.

But something far more sinister than he ever imagined is at work. And if it isn’t stopped soon, the entire island’s population will perish. Just like it did so many centuries ago.

David Bernstein has been one of my favorite authors for years, so I dug around to see if I missed any of his books and found GOBLINS. The story flips between the POVs of the humans and the goblins, which is not something I expected from the author. Honestly, I wasn't sure this would be a good idea. I thought this might make the goblins cheesy instead of chilling.

At first, the characters seem stereotypical for this sub-genre of horror, but they are believable and not the usual close-minded small-town folk. They know something is slaughtering entire families and acknowledge this might not be a serial killer after all. Some of them are even willing to consider the folklore woven into their history is an attempt to warn and protect future generations.

While not as frightening as Bernstein's other stories, I still recommend this one to fans of 80s monster movies.

As always,
Astra Daemon

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Beware of Reddit Recommendations

COWS by Matthew Stokoe was recommended to me on the Reddit horror sub. While the story kept me hooked like a slab of beef, this is waaay out of my comfort zone. The cows were a complete surprise to me...I thought the author was going to introduce cannibalism. I think people eating people would have been more mild than what the workers did to the cows, or what the cows did to folks in retaliation. Not to mention, Stephen's home life is a graphic nightmare.

If you're into extreme horror, read this. If you're just a tourist like me, consider this a warning.

As always,

Friday, February 3, 2023

Emotionally Devastating | Horror Review | AstraDaemon

THE THINGS HE HEARD by Matt Shaw is tragic and horrifying because of the realism. It doesn't take a stretch of imagination to envision this type of violence behind closed doors or in the classroom.

The most disturbing aspect is the way the boy's thoughts and feelings are completely disregarded. The emotional aspect is similar to IMMORTAL SHADOWS and THE SUICIDE CLUB.

I recommend all three.

As always,

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Science Be Damned | Short Story Review | AstraDaemon

When ships begin disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle, something survives long enough to show the gruesome tale of what may have been behind the disappearances.

But, when a run of the mill treasure hunter Rick Morgan comes across video footage that survived one of the shipwrecks, he is determined to uncover what happened. After enlisting the help of Dr. Strant, an expert in disappearances at sea, they set off to see what lies in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

What they find there may prevent them from leaving.

CREATURE BEYOND THE TIDE by Kayla Hicks attempts to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle with a creature feature. The action has a unique angle I haven't seen other sea horror stories, so I remained hooked from beginning to end.

Unfortunately, this piece is far too short...leaving me with unanswered questions. I'm hoping the author will give us a sequel with more information about the creature's hunting habits.

As always,

Friday, January 6, 2023

Hell in a Cell | Flash Fiction Review | AstraDaemon

The last scribblings of a damned soul, found scratched upon a wall.

SENSATION by Christian Hall is pretty much torture porn. Not much else to say about this flash fiction piece. I am curious about the author's other stories now...

As always,

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Faulty Appliance | Short Story Review | AstraDaemon

Going to be reviewing a lot of short stories and flash fiction this month...

THE FRIDGE by J.R. Rain is a nightmare with layers...not getting the product as described, being forced to endure someone else's will, and more. While captivating, I do wish the author had written more about the history of the fridge.

As always,

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Blood Feud | Kindle Vella Review | AstraDaemon

I've brought you zombies and werewolves from Kindle Vella...today, I'm bringing a vampire serial into the Lair...

HAINT by Samuel Brower takes place in Kentucky, after a mine collapse. One tragedy leads to another, and corpses begin to pile up around the small town of Haint's Hollow. The sheriff soon realizes this is something much worse than the work of meth-heads and drug dealers.

The author does an excellent job of twisting family drama and crime drama into an action-packed horror serial. While the story comes to a natural conclusion, I'd love to see more of these characters. (Maybe the Appalachian Druid series?)

If you want a Vella story which doesn't use cliché cliff-hangers to keep readers interested, you really need to dip into these episodes.

As always,

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Texas Terror | Kindle Vella Review | AstraDaemon

Yesterday, I posted a review about a Vella serial with zombies...now we move on to a werewolf story...

THE BEAST OF SETTLER'S POINT by Kody Boye is a mix of western horror and supernatural folklore. The story takes place in 1845, told from the POV of a young girl who soon discovers war is not the only thing killing people in the wilds of Texas.

I've read many stories by this author, but Boye still surprised me with the interaction between characters and the ending. Every episode had me changing my guess about the details of the werewolf threat.

I'm recommending this one to Young Adult and New Adult fiction fans.

As always,