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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Trick or Treat? Trick. Definitely, Trick.

28 Seconds Later by Duncan P. Bradshaw lost me on the first words, "Comrade Slutsky," but I read it anyway. The story takes place in 1984, within a secret Russian facility performing scientific experiments on their Olympic athletes. During an inspection, it becomes evident that something has gone terribly wrong.

The author spends a considerable amount of time describing the laboratory. I was nearly a third through the story before any action took place. Phrases such as "Kung Fu Chopping" and "renowned fornicator" also cranked up the cringe factor. I'm not even going to bother discussing the spy modeled after Sean Connery's James Bond. Apparently, Bradshaw likes to blend comedy with horror, but I wasn't amused...or frightened, for that matter...just painfully aware of how long it took me to get through this short story.

What I thought would be an interesting conspiracy theory zombie tale turned into The Three Stooges meets Day of the Dead (the original with the underground bunker). I'm sure some of my cheesier friends might find Bradshaw's work mildly entertaining, but it's not something I'll be recommending.

As always,

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