Alien Invasion Owners' Resistance Manual: Know your enemy (all extraterrestrial lifeforms) - The Complete Guide to surviving the Alien Apocalypse (Owners' Workshop Manual)
by Sean T. Page
128 pages
This manual will appeal to a wide variety of readers: science fiction fans, gamers, those interested in the subject of alens, and, of course, those at high risk for abduction, as well as ages 13 and up. The format is well-organized and easy to comprehend, which is not surprising considering that survival manuals are the author's specialty.
Sean T Page puts a tremendous amount of research into his writing, including his personal expertise from his military background and world travels. I have been reading his books for years, and I've never been disappointed.
Now, Page is a British author and his books have a strong UK flavor, but even US readers can put these manuals to good use. ;)
I also recommend, Zombie Survival Manual: From the dawn of time onwards (all variations), for the zombie fans on your gift list.
As always,
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