The Queen's Lover
by Vanora Bennett
590 pages
$6.49 Kindle version
After reading Vanora Bennett's Figures in Silk, I looked forward to reading another novel by the same author. I noticed right away her style of writing had changed slightly. The book told the story of Catherine de Valois (mother of Henry VI), from the time she was a young girl to the coronation of her son, in multiple points-of-view...sometimes it was Catherine's thoughts; sometimes Christine's, Owain, Henry V, and a few others. The POVs change frequently within the same chapters, but they are easy to keep track of. The novel itself is divided into separate books, which allows the narration to suddenly jump in time, location and tone. I don't think it makes any difference to the storyline, but it adds depth to the various characters.
I found the description of Catherine's childhood to be extremely disturbing. I can't imagine royal children starving, or being so severely neglected. Christine was such a big part of Catherine's life, and a great influence on Owain, yet the mention of her death is not what I was expecting for a character of that importance. There are other odd moments in the book; for instance, Dame Butler is emphasized as a beloved servant, but then she makes a snotty remark about young Harry acting like a baby. The abuse Warwick was able to get away with is also very upsetting. I don't understand why someone would be allowed to beat a future King in such a way. I can't believe after Catherine's own miserable childhood, she would let anything bad happen to her own son. It's no wonder King Henry VI was known to go mad as an adult.
I love Part Seven with Jehanne of Arc. It helped me figure out where I was on the is very difficult to remember what the date is at any point in the novel. However, by that point in the book, I was under the impression Catherine is more concerned with her love affair with Owain than the well-being of her son, Harry. If I was supposed to think she is a strong female, I never did. I can't summon up respect for someone so selfish, and Catherine always seems incapable of helping herself -- even towards the end of the novel. The Cardinal is actually more of a favorite.
Overall, the story is entertaining, but the Historical Postscript left out the detail of Catherine's death. After reading a novel based on her life, it would have been nice to know how she died. I think I prefer the writing style of Figures in Silk, but I would recommend this novel to anyone interested in historical fiction from this time period.
As always,
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