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Friday, July 12, 2019

The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away

A decade ago, twenty-six Towers of unknown origin rocketed into the Earth, destroying almost everything in an event known as “The Impact.” Most of the remaining population slowly began to change, their minds altered to conform to the will of strange creatures that stood atop the mysterious structures. Humanity began to turn on itself and these brain-washed individuals became known as Red Eyes. Now, ten years later, Sam, Alex, and Luna trek across a ruined world, searching for a man they believe is responsible for it all - a man named Empire, a man no one can seem to kill. But time is running out. The Towers are stirring once more. What is their purpose? Where did they come from? Who is Empire? And what is the Last Tower?

THE LAST TOWER by Elias Witherow is, interestingly enough, a family drama set in a sci-fi post-apocalypse with some serious cosmic horror scattered across the pages from beginning to end. I can't help but notice Witherow always builds his stories on the cornerstone of a relationship element. In this case, two brothers, one attempting to destroy the world, the other fighting to save mankind, with a childhood friend standing in the middle. Somehow the destruction of civilization doesn't seem as tragic as otherworldly gargoyles spoiling the bond between the three young men.

The imagery is filled with abominations I hope never to see in my nightmares. While there are plenty of action scenes -- some filled to capacity with ungodly brutality, the story is an emotional crucible in a mind-shattering hell. I felt as if I were in Tower 15, about to have my soul ripped out of me. Witherow delivers the ending like a dirt shower after your broken body has been tossed into a grave.

Consider yourself warned.

As always,

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