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Exploring dark alleys. Discovering new nightmares. Revisiting the masters.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday Fright: The Rest Area

The Rest Area by Jason Davis is the perfect short story, I thought, to acknowledge the upcoming road trip season. Davis has always been a favorite author of mine, known well for great lines, such as,

"He was the Frankenshit, hurrying to an outhouse near you, trying to make it before that brown stain would creep down his pant leg."

That's right. A trucker desperately has to take a dump, and the closest rest area is...well, a dump. I think those of us who frequent the highways have all encountered at least one bathroom that is so bad, we have flashbacks to every movie death taking place in a disgusting restroom we've ever seen. You know, the kind of bathroom that makes taking a dump on a the side of a road far more appealing.

Make no mistake, it's a horror story, complete with terror and gore, but Davis' dark humor had me laughing out loud like a deranged patient at an asylum. What really blew my mind is the surprise ending...never saw it coming.

I definitely recommend this story to all readers, especially if you're planning a long drive...

As always,

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