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Friday, January 11, 2019

Nothing Will Quite Be The Same

Alex and Steve leave home together to begin their courses but in less than a week Alex goes missing when some hunk called Tarquin steps onto the scene. Just when everything was going so well, suddenly it wasn't…

After completing their studies and passing yet more exams, the other Kilkorne chums, Rachel, Maisie and Fred prepare for college by going shopping, unaware that the screaming may be about to start all over again.

BRITISH ZOMBIE BREAKOUT, PART FOUR: LAST GASP by Peter Salisbury begins with a time jump. The teens are moving on with their lives, while Rachel continues to milk her celebrity status, even at the expense of her relationships with the others. With no explanation, Alex and Steve are taken into military custody, just in time to bear witness to a new outbreak.

I enjoyed this installment far more than the second and third stories. The events taking place on the army base are more in line with what zombie fans would expect from an undead threat to survival. The teens locked up in the tower offers a great perspective of the unfolding events. I'm hoping the author might consider continuing the series, especially since some of the characters were finally developing their personalities.

As always,

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