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Monday, March 15, 2021

No Rest for the Wicked | AstraDaemon

THE GREENWOOD SERIAL KILLER by K.B. Knight is the third book in this series. Jasmine has survived all kinds of unbelievable insanity in her little town, only to have more people die around her yet again. Many believe she purposefully brings the evil down onto herself and others. As if the transition from teen to adult isn't difficult enough, Jasmine must find her way with a trail of blood and corpses.

The author doesn't even try to be subtle with this one. Knight throws his readers into the arms of the killer early on, while slaughtering his characters as quickly as he creates them. If Jasmine had any sense, she'd find a way to wipe the town of the face of the earth instead of risking her life yet again.

Greenwood is very much like a gas-station restroom at this point: one hell of a mess. Can't wait to see what Knight does in the fourth book.

As always,

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