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Exploring dark alleys. Discovering new nightmares. Revisiting the masters.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Scary AF

It’s four in the morning and Emily is heading home on a London Underground train. But the Night Tube is running slow tonight – delays caused by a signal failure, as usual.

The train stops again, stuck in a tunnel between Tube stations. And then the lights go off. The motors cut out. Silence from the driver.

All the doors slide open at the same time, exposing the passengers to the tunnel.

To let them out? 

Or to let something in?

Signal Failure by David Wailing is not a story you want to be reading on the subway. Wailing took an inconvenience and turned it into traumatic nightmare. Although, I'm still unsure what exactly took place in the tunnel and the fate of the train remains a mystery, the suspense had me in a full panic. Not much detail is given about the passengers, but I feared for them, just the same.

I am pleasantly surprised at how Wailing transformed a common horror theme into a very original and extremely terrifying story. I couldn't help but wonder if Emily's mother experienced something similar. I would LOVE to see Signal Failure become a movie.

As always,

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