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Exploring dark alleys. Discovering new nightmares. Revisiting the masters.

Monday, March 19, 2018

What's That Smell?

Rats in the Loft by Mark Lumby, author of Lord of the Harvest and Bag of Buttons, is such a descriptive story, I felt like I was in the attic with Peter...and I was terrified. The randoms sounds really creeped me out. When the mystery is finally unraveled, I was completely shocked. The final ending left me with mixed feelings. The entire story is a well-written tragedy.

I'm very rarely frightened by horror movies of any kind, but there is something about written stories that crawl under my skin and infect my mind. Sometimes I find myself wishing I could back out of the story - make a retreat to safety, but I am unable to put down my Kindle. Obviously, the authors are responsible for such captivating nightmares, but I often wonder if the stories develop their own sinister energy, making it impossible for readers to look away.

As always,

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