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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Beautiful Ones Rise From The Ashes

THE BATTLE WITHIN by Kody Boye is the final book in THE BEAUTIFUL ONES trilogy. This book begins exactly where the second one ended, with Kelendra joining up with The Southern Saints. The Countess is planning to use nuclear weapons against the North, which will likely trigger a similar response, but the three surviving Beautiful Ones have a plan to give the country back to the people.

The author has created such a detailed dystopian drama featuring eugenics and civil war, readers might be slightly disappointed with the lack of resolution in the ending. However, I would like to remind everyone, this series has always been Kelendra's coming-of-age story. From an unknown country girl to an ambassador of a revolution, from daughter to wife and more, she has discovered something more powerful than beauty: faith.

With faith in her friends, her allies and, most importantly, herself, Kelendra is determined not only to save her people, but she hopes to save the world from nuclear fallout. This young woman's personal battle is a trilogy I can recommend to readers of all ages.

As always,

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